Sunday, 21 June 2015

The Getting Clear conference, 2015

Coverage of the June 2015 "Getting Clear" Conference on Scientology in Toronto 

I am attending the June 2015 "Getting Clear" conference on Scientology in Toronto, both as an invited speaker and to cover the event.

As part of efforts to evolve my coverage, I am experimenting with a new online platform for this event.

But I will use this page as an index to the reports, updating it throughout the week as and when I file.

1 Introduction: the Father Christmas Principle 

2 The Man who would be Hubbard
Jon Atack and Russell Miller on the lies Hubbard and Scientology have told about his life

3 "What are Your Crimes?"
 Scientology can convince you that its faults are actually your own, argues one former member.

4 Nora Crest in Toronto
Growing up in Scientology means indoctrination from birth.
(At the Underground Bunker.)

5 PI Hacked Scientology Critics
A private investigator has been jailed for a hacking operation, but two Scientology critics targeted want officials to dig deeper.

(Not a conference event, but too interesting to ignore.)

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